Event ConneQion, April 2nd and 3rd

Apr 06

Last week I had the great fortune of attending the events expo in Brisbane. Was a fantastic experience and I cannot wait for 2009 already!

First up, it was an outing with my marketing class (very much appreciated, Kerri!) and we had an exam for accounting later that afternoon, so I felt a little limited by time. Turns out though that two hours was more than I needed to get all the information I was looking for.

There were suppliers, services, venues, publications, tourism companies, events companies, motivational and financial speakers, musicians, cooks, mountain climbers, a magician, even an audio visual supplier with a Nintendo Wii set up! All rather exciting, and I must admit I did go with not only professional and academic intentions, but also the hope of chatting to venues about my birthday celebrations later this year. Which I did!
Customs House and Hillstone St Lucia were both very lovely to talk with about my requirements and I intend on chasing up with both of them as possibilities.

Over one ticket, two carry bags, twelve business cards and two hours later I was rather excited to get home and sort through the goodies. Even picked up the name of a
business stationery company from a photographer. My only regret for the day is that I did not create my own business card before the day, as I was asked for it numerous times.

There were so many suppliers, venues, publications and companies which caught my eye and deserve mention and I shall do so in a second post tomorrow. This entry would seem nothing but link-dropping if I continued! If anything because of this extensive list, I shall be on my way towards starting up a list of resources I can definitely see myself using in the future.


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