Naked Lady Party - Charity Fashion Swap

Apr 28

Client: Tiara Shafiq and for Working Wonders
Venue: International House College, St Lucia, Queensland
Date: April 12th from 2pm until 5pm
Purpose: To raise funds for the Royal Children's Hospital
Duties: Online and printed advertising, organise catering, running sheet, customer feedback.

This was a tricky one, but the whole affair went well. We kept expenditure to an absolute minimum, seeking sponsorship from all avenues possible; venue, catering, stalls, goods, online advertising and more. The only money we spent was on printing, Internet and telephone calls in organisation and marketing.

Our half-literal naked lady, a local burlesque dancer, fell ill in the morning and so we were desperate to find a replacement. None were available, so we had to make do with the data projector showing footage of burlesque and NIA fitness routines instead.

The main attraction then became the auction of strange and wonderful goods people donated. Gorgeous pieces: a collection of exotic tea varieties, classy shoes, mystery knitting yarn and even a signed poster donated by Lola the Vamp [not our burlesque girl] with burlesque costume set. The auction did go well, if not slowed down pretty quickly, and we did raise sufficient funds for the RCH from this.

Looking back, I believe we could have done a better job on the marketing side of things; even one customer said this on her feedback form. There was some confusion as to what the actual event was and what it was for, these two factors I believe having some great impact on the number of attendees.

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