This blog has moved!

Mar 17

I've got myself and thus JE is not running anymore. Catch you over there!

WoW Launch, Jobseeking and More

Nov 17

Just recently I attended the Brisbane CBD launch of the new World of Warcraft extension, Wrath of the Lich King. It was a pretty good event for the first gaming launch I'd experienced, and I've blogged about it for Tech Wired AU which I am collaborating on. Great stuff!
In the more academic of my events life at the moment, I am putting together the final paperwork for the COTAH Events Conference Series and graduating in December. Hurrah!
Looking for full-time work for 2009 is proving standard as jobseeking goes, but I'd still love to hear of any openings you may know of. Plenty of great opportunities in Brisbane, I'm afraid I'll actually end up taking on more than I can chew next year! Oh, but that's always a thrilling prospect in itself, no?

Invitation to the COTAH Events Networker 2008

Nov 03

Pop us an e-mail for more information and to reserve your spot!

Let's Re-establish

Oct 29

Since my last post in July, a number of things have changed. I became dedicated solely to the final semester of my event management diploma at Southbank Institute of Technology (who is not associated with this blog in anyway other than educating me), had some medical dramas and things at work changed too. I was right to post about holding off the business of launching Jensen Events until next year, however I have by no means stopped the actual events side of things...

Client: Catherine Macintyre, College of Tourism & Hospitality, Southbank Institute of Technology
Venue: Southbank
Date: five weeks over October, November.
Purpose: To inspire and inform events students.
Duties: Sourcing guest speakers, collaboration with client, managing volunteers, equipment, marketing, documentation, programming, master of ceremonies, registration, budgeting, source catering.

My final assessment for my studies is a series of four conferences and a networking morning for events students and industry guests. Today I just completed the third of these conferences and I do know fair well enough that a pair of sore feet means a good effort indeed. The aim of the COTAH Events Conference Series 2008 is to motivate and inspire event management students at Southbank institute to get moving on their careers straight away, rather than shoving their dreams back into the sock drawer. I quickly rocked up a vision of the program and after quite a few juggling and speaker cancellations, the program came out looking like this:

Wednesday, 15th October
  • fellow final semester students on their event projects - a national floristry conference, a charity trivia night, a cooking book launch and a winemakers' and chefs' dinner.
Wednesday, 22nd October
Wednesday, 29th October
Wednesday, 5th November
I mean, this is a fantastic list of Australian events leaders and I am so proud to have them assist the institute in inspiring students to better themselves. I have learned many things not only from the assessment itself but also from these speakers and the students are also thankful. One, at least, has already earned herself a job with one of these businesses from attending!

As for the conference series closer, the networking function, this will be held on Wednesday the 12th of November at Southbank Institute of Technology. Anyone involved in the events, hospitality or tourism industries is welcome to attend, so if you would like to register your interest please write me a line to reserve your spot.

Lastly, there is a "#cotah08" Twitter hashtag for users who wish to keep track of @JensenEvents developments. Feel free to say hi!

Hiatus until 2009

Jul 30

Woah, long time no blog.

During the holiday period, I ended up developing my event skills with the catering company I work for. This paid the rent and very much increased my passion for the industry and my job. Plus I was busy organising my birthday bash held just last weekend. It was fantastic; my best birthday ever. The catering was perfect, the venue superb, the staff wonderful and the guests enjoyed themselves. It all just ended too soon and I wish there were more photos taken.

The garage sale has not happened yet either but it is still in my mind of course. I've been strung out with work and now I am three weeks into my final semester in my event studies with major assessment roaring towards me! Lots to do for the next two months at least.

This is why I am putting Jensen Events on hold for a while. It might even cease to exist as I will never be able to run this up to the standard I desire without the skills of another person or two on board. This is not yet a call for a partner or team, but one day down the track there is the possibility when I am ready to kick start JE as an actual business, rather than the start-up or "initiative" that I call it.

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