An Interview

May 04

Under advice from marketing genius IttyBiz I've answered a few questions that my readers will be wondering.

What’s your game? What do you do?

My game is simple; I provide easy, satisfying event management solutions.

Why do you do it? Do you love it, or do you just have one of those creepy knacks?
For love of course! I've always loved playing the host; even back in my school days I was constantly organising insane house parties. Learnt a lot since then of course, but the same drive is still here. Combine a desire to serve with the drive to succeed beyond expectation and you have my focus on this business.

Who are your customers? What kind of people would need or want what you offer?
I do not organise international spectaculars, or large-scale corporate conference retreats. I specialise in personal events such as your aunt's 40th or a street's garage sale weekend. My clients are people with small budgets and little time for "all the frills." They are Brisbane charities, students, parents, clubs and small businesses with big hearts for who they want to party and work with. This is why they come to me.

What’s your unique selling point? Why should I buy from you instead of the other losers?
Practicality and simplicity. I'm not a high-class event company with crazy demands for deposits every four days because there's a seafood shortage. I understand that my clients are not high-rollers with hours of time to spare because I am still a student myself until the end of this year. I am organising events in my lunch hour, as the sun goes down and as I'm about to fall asleep at night. Also, I barter!

What’s next? What’s the big plan?
The big plan at this stage is to expand. I have big ideas for this so-far small gig.

Fairly sure that's the story. If you have any questions like these feel free to e-mail me. Or for any other reason too I suppose!


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