The Best Event I've Worked On + Setting Boundaries

May 07

Q: Hi Nicole, welcome to Askablogr! What's the biggest event you've ever put on? The most satisfying? What kinds of gigs do you say 'no' to? Are you Brisbane-only, or can you take on clients elsewhere?
Asked by Chris DeVore

A: a) The most satisfying event I've had a major role in organising was for International House College (University of Queensland, Brisbane). The college holds an event known as Soiree (which I cannot find the website of right now!) and it is completely run by the students. My role in 2006 was to organise publicity, where with two other students I put the word out to EVERYONE in Brisbane that Soiree was on.

It was my first experience at sponsorship negotiations (successful at gaining free advertising on Brisbane's CityCat ferries!) leading and motivating large groups of tired flag-clothed and body-painted students early in the winter mornings for promotional activities, communicating with embassies and local media bodies and more! Let's just say I missed out most of the actual event because I was so exhausted.

To this day people still congratulate me on my efforts that year. I mean, I had a bucket of beer thrown over me at a rival college because we'd interrupted the cricket for a few minutes to promote Soiree!

b) I refuse events I feel I am not competent in running, of course, also I'd have to refuse events outside Brisbane. The reason for both of these is that I would not be able to deliver an event anywhere near the quality of one run by someone more local or qualified. The last reason I'd turn down an event is if it was being run for unethical purposes; it would take all the money in the world just to get me to go against my own code of ethics!

I hope this answered your questions. Thanks for the warm welcome to Askablogr!

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